The Dissolution of the Art of Stephen Vince
Over the past 20 or more years Stephen Vince has been reflecting the disappearing world around us into his Art. He started with Endangered Species and peoples, but more recently he has included mankind and the very planet that we all exist on.
The Red Man, The Blue Planet and the Tree of Gold 2014
The most recent conceptual development in the Art of Stephen Vince took place in London at the Kinetica Museum's Art Fair during October 2014. Three strategic sculptures were created in both iron and in wax. They were Man, The Blue Planet and Tree.
During the exhibition a lamp was placed in front of each of the three sculptures and the audience watched them slowly melt away.
Over the past 20 or more years Stephen Vince has been reflecting the disappearing world around us into his Art. He started with Endangered Species and peoples, but more recently he has included mankind and the very planet that we all exist on.
The Red Man, The Blue Planet and the Tree of Gold 2014
The most recent conceptual development in the Art of Stephen Vince took place in London at the Kinetica Museum's Art Fair during October 2014. Three strategic sculptures were created in both iron and in wax. They were Man, The Blue Planet and Tree.
During the exhibition a lamp was placed in front of each of the three sculptures and the audience watched them slowly melt away.
The Tipping Balance 2014
The Nations of the world met during October 2014 in Korea. They are concerned at the escalating rate that species are being made extinct on our planet and fearful that this destruction has gone past the 'tipping point'.
Man stood up and became superior and all powerful, then he stood rocks up. Stephen Vince has always been interested in these 'standing stones' of our forefathers. The rock in 'The Tipping Balance' has been cast into solid bronze and if one (man) pushes it it rocks from side to side for a long time before coming to rest again. At the moment there is a stop to prevent it from somersaulting.
The Nations of the world met during October 2014 in Korea. They are concerned at the escalating rate that species are being made extinct on our planet and fearful that this destruction has gone past the 'tipping point'.
Man stood up and became superior and all powerful, then he stood rocks up. Stephen Vince has always been interested in these 'standing stones' of our forefathers. The rock in 'The Tipping Balance' has been cast into solid bronze and if one (man) pushes it it rocks from side to side for a long time before coming to rest again. At the moment there is a stop to prevent it from somersaulting.
The Endangered Species Chess Set 1992
The King is the rhino and the Queen is a tiger. The Elephant controls the castles, Orang-Utans act as horses and the Spoonbill stands in for the bishops. Each pawn is represented by a different group of species.
To play this game to win is to loose all of ones species. To play not to loose ones species and not to destroy one's opponent's species is much harder. In fact it would seem to be impossible and the only way to preserve all the species is not to play the game atall.
The King is the rhino and the Queen is a tiger. The Elephant controls the castles, Orang-Utans act as horses and the Spoonbill stands in for the bishops. Each pawn is represented by a different group of species.
To play this game to win is to loose all of ones species. To play not to loose ones species and not to destroy one's opponent's species is much harder. In fact it would seem to be impossible and the only way to preserve all the species is not to play the game atall.